BitSV: Bitcoin made easy.

BitSV is Python’s fastest Bitcoin SV library and was designed from the beginning to feel intuitive, be effortless to use, and have readable source code. It is heavily inspired by Requests and Keras.

BitSV is so easy to use:

  1. Simple payment:

>>> import bitsv
>>> my_key = bitsv.Key('YourPrivateKeyGoesHere')  # Defaults to "main" network
>>> my_key.get_balance()
10000000  # satoshis
>>> # Can include a long list of tuples as outputs
>>> outputs = [
>>>     # Donate to AustEcon! (Currency conversion via api)
>>>     ('1PdvVPTzXmo4cSs68HctLUxAdW917UZtC8', 0.10, 'usd'),  # $USD 0.10 as bsv
>>>     ('1PdvVPTzXmo4cSs68HctLUxAdW917UZtC8', 0.0001, 'bsv')
>>> ]
>>> my_key.send(outputs)

Here’s the transaction


  • Python’s fastest available implementation (100x faster than closest library)

  • 100kb OP_RETURN transactions made very simple

  • Fully supports 21 different currencies via BitcoinSVRates API

  • First class support for storing data in the blockchain

  • Compressed public keys by default

  • Multiple representations of private keys; WIF, PEM, DER, etc.

  • Standard P2PKH transactions

Extension libraries

  • polyglot for posting html, audio, images, video directly to the blockchain and much more to come…

  • bsvbip32 for hierarchical deterministic key support (as per BIP32 spec)


Here you will find everything you need to know about the development of BitSV and the community surrounding it.

Dev Guide

Up ahead is BitSV’s API and a few notes about design decisions. Beware the pedantry, or lack thereof.

Well done! There will be more soon, but right now you have nothing left to see. Remember, a watched pot never boils.