
BitSV assumes the easiest way to reason about Bitcoin SV is in the basic unit of a private key and, therefore, all functionality (viewing balance, making transactions, etc.) is wrapped up in this class for convenience. You shouldn’t have to use anything else.

What is a private key?

A private key is a derived point on an elliptic curve. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies use the SEC defined curve secp256k1 due to its properties that allow for particularly fast computation. The secret part of a private key is essentially just a sequence of randomly generated bytes (32 max); nothing special by itself. The features come when you derive a point on the curve from that value.

This value must be kept secret or you risk losing your funds permanently!


In BitSV, there is one main method to access most of the functionality of this library. This is through the PrivateKey class, aliased as Key.

>>> from bitsv import Key, PrivateKey
>>> Key == PrivateKey


Creation of a new private key is as simple as:

>>> from bitsv import Key, PrivateKey
>>> # PrivateKey
>>> my_key = PrivateKey("Your Private Key as WIF here")
>>> # Using Key alias (does the exact same thing)
>>> my_key = Key("Your Private Key as WIF here")


Bitcoin SV has two testing networks. The testnet (“test”) and the scaling-testnet (“stn”). To instantiate a PrivateKey to use either of the testing networks (where coins have no value and addresses have a different, one-byte prefix):

>>> from bitsv import Key, PrivateKey
>>> # testnet
>>> my_key_test = PrivateKey("Your Private Key as WIF here", network='test')
>>> # scaling-testnet
>>> my_key_stn = PrivateKey("Your Private Key as WIF here", network='stn')

The PrivateKey class defaults to network=’main’.

Public Point

Each unique value applied to the curve will yield a unique point. As this is a one-way function, there is no known way to derive the private value from the point.

You can see it like this:

>>> key.public_point
Point(x=97142194878787224003202190607135598251247304976930950188466413219499502457410, y=43606604972619611673144670688496329906728122067438546662512577612023859619611)

You will never use this directly.

Public Key

A public key is a public point serialized to bytes. By default all keys will use the compressed version unless :ref: you explicitly need otherwise <hextowif>. This reduces the size of each transaction and thus fees.

Access it like so:

>>> key.public_key

You will also never use this directly. This value is only used internally to derive your address and is needed in the construction of every transaction.


All keys possess an address() property which is derived from your public key:

>>> key.address

This is what you share with others to receive payments.



The wallet import format is the primary way of representing private keys. This format stores the secret value as well as some metadata such as whether or not the public key should be compressed.

To import a private key you can pass a key in wallet import format directly to the initializer:

>>> key = Key('L3jsepcttyuJK3HKezD4qqRKGtwc8d2d1Nw6vsoPDX9cMcUxqqMv')
>>> key.address


>>> key = Key()
>>> key.to_wif()

If you don’t know what kind of private key your WIF represents, and you don’t want to force the use of a particular class, you can do this:

>>> from bitsv import wif_to_key
>>> key = wif_to_key('cU6s7jckL3bZUUkb3Q2CD9vNu8F1o58K5R5a3JFtidoccMbhEGKZ')
>>> print(key)
<PrivateKey Testnet: muUFbvTKDEokGTVUjScMhw1QF2rtv5hxCz>

or to use scaling-testnet this must be explicitly given as a parameter (because testnet and scaling-testnet keys are indistimguishable from one another.

>>> wif_to_key("cU6s7jckL3bZUUkb3Q2CD9vNu8F1o58K5R5a3JFtidoccMbhEGKZ", network='stn')
<PrivateKey Scaling-Testnet: muUFbvTKDEokGTVUjScMhw1QF2rtv5hxCz>



>>> key = Key.from_hex('c28a9f80738f770d527803a566cf6fc3edf6cea586c4fc4a5223a5ad797e1ac3')
>>> key.address


>>> key = Key()
>>> key.to_hex()



>>> key = Key.from_int(87993618360805341115891506172036624893404292644470266399436498750715784469187)
>>> key.address


>>> key = Key()
>>> key.to_int()



>>> key = Key.from_pem(...)
>>> key.address


>>> key = Key()
>>> key.to_pem()
b'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIGEAgEAMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAKBG0wawIBAQQg93tloWnF8UvDLeK2n0OE\nyf/Si6O73rm33ctZHVhTIBGhRANCAARG3vtgCf5SGfIkwcvuAxNvO/tdy8HnWqS3\nUM+KrWUPpPnHeysZbO6zrG4tN/VBeV2p3whYU6dUhSueOXUPB2Oo\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n'



>>> key = Key.from_der(...)
>>> key.address


>>> key = Key()
>>> key.to_der()
b'0\x81\x84\x02\x01\x000\x10\x06\x07*\x86H\xce=\x02\x01\x06\x05+\x81\x04\x00\n\x04m0k\x02\x01\x01\x04 ld\x8f\xd4\xc0\x19\xbd^\xa1\xf7f\xee\x8b9j\x1c\xd3ZX\x89\x1b\x04\x13|e\xe7|g\x84:\xcf\xab\xa1D\x03B\x00\x04\xb6\x1a\x9bQ\x0c?\xe3\xb7\x80\x05,\xcf7\x01{\xf9,"\xb6\xdf\xe5\xbb\x0b+\x9b\xc5\x07@2\xa1\x8a\x01R<\x86\t\x1c\x02\x0fd\x8d\x90\xb5\x99w\xc5\x84(#\xfdr>^\xd3\xb5|\x9d1\xa1\x9c/\x04\xf5\xdd'